Report for Creative Writing Workshop
Date: 11th October 2008
Time: 8.30am-10.45 am
Venu: Dewan Bendahara.
Coordinator: Hasbi bin Mohamed Arifin
The English Unit has organized a Creative Writing Workshop involving 6 teachers and 260 students. The workshop aims to expose students to the sectioning of the Star Newspaper, use the pictures in the newspaper to create a literary work and improve grammar. The workshop became the peak activity for the daily newspaper project, which has been going on since February 2008 until present.
The first session began with a quiz of how much the participants know on the Star sectioning, and after the answers were discussed, Mr Hasbi, the coordinator, gave a briefing on the Star. The session had enabled the students to find creative part of a news reporter and the writers, that had been writing in a daily basis. The sectioning of the newspaper, for example, sections for Nation, Business, StarTwo, Teens and Sports had enabled the students to find information regarding their area of interest quickly. Then, participants are given a group task, where they find adjectives, adverbs and verbs that describe a picture they have selected from the newspaper. The activity aimed to sharpen students’ grammatical skills. Between the session, Miss Zakiah and Miss Iri gave out a few tongue twisters and riddles. For all the activities, prizes were given away. The prizes , consisting of Reader’s Digest and snacks were donated by the English Unit.
The peak was prize giving ceremony for the first session. The event ended at 10.45 am.
In conclusion, the workshop has helped students to understand how to use the newspapers in creative writing, especially in continuous writing. It is hoped that the workshop would help the students in enhancing newspaper usage for their own benefits.