

Hello and Good Day Everybody !
I am a new teacher in the school named Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Bendahara. This school is situated in Jasin, Melaka.
I am accepted to be one of the Guru Sandaran Terlatih (GST) here. There are 10 of us, my batch joined the schools in 27th June 2011.
In this blog, I share with you my experience and great things that are happening to me in the school.
There are also notes and things for good English class usages, so feel free to browse them whenever there are gaps between classes.
My mentor here is Hajjah Zaorah and she has been guiding me to be a better English teacher.
Thank you !
In this blog, I have uploaded
Literature lesson plans for form 4 and 5
working papers, reports after programmes, yearly uniform body reports, weekly reports, sponsorship letters, sample of memos and thank you notes, short stories and others.

Happy teaching, teachers !
Here is a good link to English Materials:

Pengikutku, Sila jadi pengikut untuk blogs saya !

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sample for exam paper English form 1 Paper 2 Mid Term 2012, here's for you guys !

[ 25 marks ]

Your School has just finished the annual uniformed body camping. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her of the camping programme.
  1. School field-decorated with colourful flags-students-getting  ready for marching
  2. March-past-smart-their uniform bodies-Negaraku
  3. Marching events-follow leader’s commands- no mistakes-very proud
  4. Winners-prizes-everyone enjoyed-grand affair

You may use all the points given.
Elaborate all the 4 points.
Your writing must not be less than 120 words.

[ 10 marks ]
Read the passage and complete the following task.
Students’ safety is top priority in our school. The Principal and all teachers in school are putting an effort to ensure students are safe while studying in the school. Here are a few steps to be safe while in school.
First, be in class during school time. Students also like to make a visit to the toilet during periods and they are taking too much time there. A lot of criminal cases happen when a student is truant from school
Be in places where there are people. When you go to the toilet, be with your friends. Third, stay at the canteen while waiting for the bus. Loitering outside the school will expose you to risks. Loners are the targets for bad influences or they may be they want to make fun of you.  You can also be accused of a disciplinary case even if you do not commit it.
After that, tell the disciplinary teachers if you see or know there are students who break the law. Do not interfere or punish them; you do not have the authority to take actions. Plus, you are endangering your safety as well as the bad students will take revenge on you.
Make sure there is a teacher in charge of the class. There is a chance of student fights occurring in unattended classes. Tell the office after ten minutes the teacher does not show up. Before a teacher arrives, the head of the class takes charge by controlling the students.
That is all to ensure students’ safety in school. I hope these guidelines will help them to study safely. 
Based on the text above, write a summary on the 5 ways to be safe while in school.
Your summary must:
  • not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
  • be in continuous writing ( not note form )
  • be written in one paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows:
The very first step students should take is to be ...

[ 15 marks ]
Questions below are based on the stanza that follows

I know a funny little man,
 As quiet as a mouse,
 Who does the mischief that is done
 In everybody's house!
 There's no one ever sees his face,
 And yet we all agree
 That every plate we break was cracked
 By Mr. Nobody

 `Tis he who always tears our books,
 Who leaves the door ajar,
 He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
 And scatters pins afar;
 That squeaking door will always squeak,
 For, prithee, don't you see,
 We leave the oiling to be done
 By Mr. Nobody

 The finger marked upon the door
 By none of us are made;
 We never leave the blind unclosed,
 To let the curtains fade.
 The ink we never spill; the boots
 That lying round you. See
 Are not our boots they all belong
 To Mr. Nobody.

  1. In stanza 1, how is Mr Nobody like a mouse?
(1 mark)
  1. In stanza 1, who is ‘we’ referred to?
(1 mark)
  1. In stanza 1, why are the plates easily broken by ‘we’ ?
(1 mark)
  1. In stanza2, why is it important to oil the doors of the house?
(1 mark)
  1. Name two things Mr Nobody does in the house
i)                _______________________________________
ii)              _______________________________________
(2 marks)
  1. In stanza 3, why are the curtains faded?
(1 mark)

(7 marks)
Questions below are based on the stanza that follows

The river’s a hoarder
and he buries down deep
Those little treasures
 that he wants to keep.

The river’s a baby,
he gurgles and hums
And sounds like he’s happily
sucking his thumbs.

The river’s a singer,
as he dances along
The countryside echoes
the notes of his song.

The river’s a monster,
hungry and vexed
He’s gobbled up trees
and he’ll swallow you next.

7. What character denotes to the sense of hearing?

(2 marks)
8.  In stanza 1, what does a river do when it hoards?
(1 mark)
9.In the last stanza, what is the river’s character ?
(1     mark)

10.In the last stanza, why does the river wants to gobble up trees?
i)  ______________________________________

(2 marks)

11. Name one character of the river best describes you? Give a reason.
 (2 marks)



  1. where can i get the answer?

  2. really helpful! thanks

  3. where can i get the answer

  4. yes, where can we get the answer ???

  5. the question is soo hard cant make to answer by today oops sorry!!!!!:_)

  6. thanks for ur help

  7. where can i get the answer

  8. The poem Mr Nobody comes from a primary school workbook! Overall, I feel the quality of the questions could be better as there are errors in sentence construction and grammar.
