

Hello and Good Day Everybody !
I am a new teacher in the school named Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Bendahara. This school is situated in Jasin, Melaka.
I am accepted to be one of the Guru Sandaran Terlatih (GST) here. There are 10 of us, my batch joined the schools in 27th June 2011.
In this blog, I share with you my experience and great things that are happening to me in the school.
There are also notes and things for good English class usages, so feel free to browse them whenever there are gaps between classes.
My mentor here is Hajjah Zaorah and she has been guiding me to be a better English teacher.
Thank you !
In this blog, I have uploaded
Literature lesson plans for form 4 and 5
working papers, reports after programmes, yearly uniform body reports, weekly reports, sponsorship letters, sample of memos and thank you notes, short stories and others.

Happy teaching, teachers !
Here is a good link to English Materials:

Pengikutku, Sila jadi pengikut untuk blogs saya !

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh My Remove class students

  In my class, when the students sit properly and do the work that is give, I will praise them. I will write ‘Good” in their exercise book when they have answered the questions correctly. I usually praise the naughty boys, when they behave in class, they like it when they are praised. One student says thank you, sir, because I have praised him for behaving in class. A few of my students, who were very quiet, asked me about the work I had given. Students being quiet all the time for no reason are not a good behaviour in a language class. I usually ask these students something, but they gave a blank stare. When they asked me something, I gave a positive response.
            In relation to my behaviour and the students’ behaviour, B. F. Skinner, an American psychologist best known for his work in behaviourism, proposed behaviourism as the basis for language development in a book published in 1957. The core of behaviorism is learning through reinforcement. The reinforcement takes different forms. For example, if a parent says to the child, "Can you say mommy?" and the child responds accordingly, the parent provides positive reinforcement. If the child uses language to make demands, such as asking for a cookie, and the demand is granted, the child receives positive reinforcement for using language.
Leadership by example ? I did that by speaking simple and good English sentences. Sometimes code switching is unevitable, or I need a translator to say something to the silent students. When they copy what I have written on the black board, they copy the margins as well. I make sure the sentences they copy are correct, I avoid any cursive handwriting, be it between two letters. They will learn by copying. I know they can learn English well, they have the ability to do it. Their native language will not interfere with the English they are learning. So far I have not seen them arranging the English word cards using the syntax of their mother tongue.In relation to vocabulary, I have heard some students addressing me as ‘engkau’ and that was irritating. In their mother tongue, this word is acceptable.In English as well, the pronoun ‘you’ is used for the person we are talking with.
            Noam Chomsky, an American linguist and cognitive scientist, believes children are born with innate knowledge of the rules governing language. His research during the late 20th century also suggests that the rules are universal among the known human languages. For example, Japanese and English seem very different, but both languages include verbs and in both languages verbs take an object. The difference is where the object of the verb is placed in the sentence. According to Chomsky, the reason children learn language so quickly is because they already know its rules.
Students must know, learning Bahasa Malaysia and English will benefit them in the future. They must know the reason to practise English and to get a good grade. My part is to prepare the best lesson plans so they can learn and practise English. I hope they can spell the name of shapes on their own, rather than filling in the blanks such as s_ u a _ _ for ‘square’

"How do the Remove class students learn language ? "

"How do the Remove class students learn language ?" is both a very interesting and a very complex question. Some people have the opinions that we will learn a language when we practise it everyday. A language will be learnt quickly when there is a need for it, if I am a foreigner in America who does not know English, still I have to learn the language if I want to communicate with the locals .
It has fascinated people for centuries to find an answer to that question, but so far only competing theories have come up. When I took linguistics, my doctor taught me about Noam Chomsky’s opinions. He did not like Noam Chomsky and Halliday, so I guess his opinions were biased towards them. It was not easy to invent a linguistic theory. In 1965, Noam Chomsky invented the theory of a Universal Grammar underlying the structures of all languages and that babies were born with innate knowledge of this Universal Grammar. When we learnt the Universal Grammar, we knew everybody can learn a language, and every child can learn 5 human languages before age 5. The idea has revolutionised language acquisition research. But only in the 1970s did researchers start to look at the acquisition of second languages as well as the first language acquisition. Since then, studies, theories and new research fields have sprung up at an amazing rate.
Linguist Noam Chomsky made the argument that the human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language. In turn, there is an assumption that all languages have a common structural basis. This set of rules is known as universal grammar. Noam Chomsky, an American linguist and cognitive scientist, believes children are born with innate knowledge of the rules governing language. This makes him a nativist. His research during the late 20th century also suggests that the rules are universal among the known human languages. For example, Japanese and English seem very different, but both languages include verbs and in both languages verbs take an object. The difference is where the object of the verb is placed in the sentence. According to Chomsky, the reason children learn language so quickly is because they already know its rules.
The difference between the all languages is in the community they are practised. The language’s word bank shows how rich and expanding it is. A second language’s word bank may be larger than the mother tongue itself. If I am a Malaysian learning all about wheat, I’ll be surprised to know there are many kinds of wheat, so far i only know all wheats are wheat. It is the same when a British comes to Tanjung Karang for a homestay treat and he begins to hear many kinds of rice (beras) such as beras hancur, beras kampung, beras kilang, beras perang and beras gred.       
Speakers proficient in a language know what expressions are acceptable in their language and what expressions are unacceptable. Sometimes they just do not know the terms to be used in English, as ‘you’ is addressed to the seo=cond person singular, a few of my Remove class students address me as ‘engkau’ and it was shocking at first. The key puzzle is how speakers should come to know the restrictions of their language, since expressions which violate those restrictions are not present in the input, indicated as such. This absence of negative evidence—that is, absence of evidence that an expression is part of a class of the ungrammatical sentences in one's language—is the core of the poverty of stimulus argument.
Can somebody clarify whether ‘you’ is only for one person, or if we are addressing two persons at a time, can we still use ‘you’? The English grammar only has 7 personal pronouns, and you is one of them, and not ‘all of you’, or ‘you all’.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Maths notes ( in Bahasa) taken from Miss Linda

2.1 Pelajar tidak menuliskan angka kosong pada hujung jawapan

Kosong mempunyai nilai, ialah adalah satu konsep yang penting dalam Matematik. Dalam nombor 400, nombor kosong selepas angka 4 memberitahu kolum sepuluhan itu kosong dan kosong di kanannya memberitahu kolum unit itu juga kosong. Satu-satunya kolum dengan nilai adalah kolum ratusan. Pelajar mungkin menuliskan angka 400 sebagai 4 sahaja, dan itu adalah satu kesalahan. Tidak ada apa caa untuk menunjukkan kolum di sebelah kanan itu tidak ada nombor. Pelajar tidak boleh memberitahu apa beza antara 19801 dari 1981 kalau kosong itu berada di sana.
Pelajar fikir kosong tiada nilai, seperti melihat kosong berdiri dengan sendirinya. Mereka fikir angka 00j ika diletakkan selepas 3 menjadi 300 sama nilainya apabila dile\takkan sebelum 3, menjadi 003. Kesalahan pertama dilihat pada soalan pertama, dimana ‘0’ tidak dituliskan. Jawapannya ialah pada permainan membahagikan, dimana jawapannya perlu disusunkan. Angka 0 diwakili oleh butang-butang, dan bukannya angka 0 diatas kad kiu.
2.2 Pelajar membahagikan nombor kecil dengan nombor besar.
Pelajar membahagikan nilai nombor pertama dengan pembahagi melibatkan dua digit. Mereka tidak memahami nombor satu digit tidak boleh dibahagikan seperti itu. Apabila mereka mendapat soalan seperti 1526 / 20, mereka melakukan 15/20. Jawapannya ialah 5. Apabila mereka meneruskan prose situ, mereka bahagikan 52 dengan 40, iaitu nombor daraban yang paling hampir dengan 20 iaitu 20 X 2=40.

8.1 Pelajar tidak menuliskan angka kosong pada hujung jawapan
Pelajar membentuk kumpulan berempat. Mereka diberikan kad kiu yang mempunyai nombor. Pelajar akan diberikan empat soalan bahagi. Bermula dengan soalan pertama, guru beritahu semua kumpulan jumlah kad yang mempunyai nombor dan symbol yang akan digunakan. Semua nombor mesti digunakan dan disusun menggunakan cara biasa yang diajarkan.
 Mereka diberikan kajian kes. Contohnya mereka diberikan 2640/12. Mereka diberikan lima kad mempunyai angka kosong setiap satunya, lima kad mempunyai angka 2 setiap satu dan tiga kad kad mempunyai angka 4 setiap satu. Tiga kad lagi mengandungi symbol – (tolak).
8.2 :Padankan Saya !
1.    Pelajar diajarkan kepada kepentingan melaksanakan operasi bahagi dengan cara yang biasa , iaitu dari atas ke bawah.
2.    Mereka ditunjukkan satu contoh cara membahagikan nombor tiga digit kepada nombor dua digit.
3.    Guru memberitahu akan permainan membahagi, dimana mereka tidak boleh menggunakan pensel dan kertas untuk selesaikan masalah, tetapi hanya susunkan kad yang diberikan. Mereka diberi kad-kad dan lima soalan bahagi. Guru memberitahu kad-kad yang akan digunakan dan mereka ketepikan kad yang tidak digunakan.
4.    Mereka selesaikan masalah dengan menyusun kad nombor dan symbol.
5.    Guru memantau aktiviti.

Potong kad-kad ini

Simbol bahagi yang akan digunakan:

Kumpulan pelajar diberikan soalan-soalan yang memerlukan satu nombor atau angka kosong di akhir jawapannya:
1.    4000 ÷4 =
2.    2000÷4=
3.    100÷4=
4.    500÷5=
Pelajar susun kad mengikut cara biasa

8.2 Pelajar membahagikan nombor kecil dengan nombor besar.
8.2.1 Aktiviti Zippopo
1.    Mereka diberi semua kad nombor, tapi mereka diberi satu kad lebih bertanda ‘X’. Kita letakkan kad X ditempat dimana tidak ada nombor. Kad ini mengelakkan pelajar meletak apa-apa nombor di tempat kosong itu. Salah satu cara ialah guru sendiri letakkan kad X itu sebelum pelajar menjawab soalan.
2.    Mereka tidak memahami bagaimana nombor satu digit boleh dibahagikan dengan nombor dua digit. Ia seperti mereka mahu memungkinkan ini terjadi. Apabila mereka lihat 230 dibahagikan kepada 25, mereka hanya tolak 23 dengan 25 (23-25), dan meletakkan jawapan sebagai 2. Ini membuatkan proses seterusnya menjadi salah. Penyeleswaiannya ialah tentukan nombor apa yang boleh ditolakkan. Mereka pilih nombor dari kategori A untuk dibahagikan dengan nombor di kategori B.
8.2.2 Aktiviti Panahan Kilat
1)    Guru menunjukkan kepentingan menolak dengan betul.
2)    Lukis anak panah untuk tunjukkan nombor apa dayang boleh dibahagikan kepada nombor di kategori B.


A                 B

5                  7
14                16
30                10

3)    Mereka memilih satu nombor dari kategori A dengan kategori B dan tuliskan soalannya seperti dibawah:
a)    30 / 10=
b)    14 / 7=

9.1Pelajar tidak menuliskan angka kosong pada hujung jawapan
Ingatkan pelajar bahawa kosong punyai nilai, dan penting untuk meletakkan kosong di tempatnya. Kosong sebelum satu nombor tiada nilai, tapi jika diletakkan selepas satu nombor, ia mempunyai nilai. Arahkan pelajar menyelesaikan masalah di papan hitam.

9.2 Pelajar membahagikan nombor kecil dengan nombor besar.
Sewaktu mengajar, tekankan kepada pelajar satu nombor yang mempunyai satu digit tunggal tidal boleh dibahagikan kepada satu nombor dua digit. Guru memberikan soalan mudah yang melibatkan pembahagian satu nombor dengan satu nombor, dan dua nombor dengan dua nombor. Murid membuat kerja berkumpulan.

Selepas melaksanakan langkah-langkah mengajar operasi mendarab, saya melihat perubahan yang baik didalam keputusan peperiksaan mereka. Minat pelajar bertambah untuk belajar matematik.  Saya cadangkan cara berikut kepada guru yang lain, diharapkan cara ini membantu pelajar dari kelas lain juga. Pada masa yang sama guru mengajar pelajar sifir kerana ia perkara penting.
Ia mengambil masa yang lama untuk murid menguasai kemahiran membahagi dengan tepat. Dalam satu operasi bahagi, murid mesti menghafal sifir dan cara menolak dengan betul, kerana ketiga-tiga operasi wujud dalam satu penyelesaian masalah.


1.    Dr Mahmood Othman. (2011).HMBT3103 Teaching Mathematics in Year Four. Kuala Lumpur . Open University Malaysia
2.    Wan Yusof Wan Ngah et al. (2005). Mathematics Teachers Guidebook Year 4. Kuala Lumpur. Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka

terbaik mengajar pendaraban.
Salah satu  kesalahan pelajar ialah mereka tidak tahu bilangan hari dalam satu minggu atau hujung minggu sama ada angka itu adalah 5,7 atau 2. Kesalahan ini terlihat dalam soalan kajian kes yang menggunakan frasa hujung minggu.
Terma-terma itu dipersembahkan dalam kad kiu, dan ia diambil dari soalan kajian kes. Contohnya, Ali mempunyai 235 keping setem, dan dia memberikan setem itu sama rata kepada tiga orang adik-adiknya. Berapa setem seorang adik dapat ?

The terms are presented on cue cards, and they are extracted from case study questions. For example,
Ali has 235 stamps and he gives them equally to his three siblings. How many does one has?
Memberikan dengan sama rata:
Memberikan dengan sama rata

 Pelajar-pelajar diberikan empat keeping kad yang mempunyai satu symbol iaitu campur (+), tolak (-), darab (X) dan bahagi (/). Mereka menunjukkan kepada kelas apa symbol yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘memberikan dengan sama rata’.

Contoh kedua:

Encik Hakimi menghadiahkan RM 5 kepada 5 orang anaknya. Berapa ringgit seorang anak dapat ?