

Hello and Good Day Everybody !
I am a new teacher in the school named Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Bendahara. This school is situated in Jasin, Melaka.
I am accepted to be one of the Guru Sandaran Terlatih (GST) here. There are 10 of us, my batch joined the schools in 27th June 2011.
In this blog, I share with you my experience and great things that are happening to me in the school.
There are also notes and things for good English class usages, so feel free to browse them whenever there are gaps between classes.
My mentor here is Hajjah Zaorah and she has been guiding me to be a better English teacher.
Thank you !
In this blog, I have uploaded
Literature lesson plans for form 4 and 5
working papers, reports after programmes, yearly uniform body reports, weekly reports, sponsorship letters, sample of memos and thank you notes, short stories and others.

Happy teaching, teachers !
Here is a good link to English Materials:

Pengikutku, Sila jadi pengikut untuk blogs saya !

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Itulah kunci kelangsungan
Kerjaya seorang guru yang
Tidak berkira tentang keringatnya
Apa yang penting adalah kejayaannya
Menguruskan sebuah kelas
Mencapai kepada standard
Sekolah atau pilihannya
Terletak hala tuju kelasnya
Diatas dirinya
Sang guru
Jika tak kisah jadilah huru-hara
Jika I care about my class
Maka peninglah kepala sikit
Tapi puas hati sebab
Kelas menjadi
Kalau tidak kisah
Kelas jagaan jadi apapun
Gaji tetap jalan
Dosapun jalan
Nak betul-betul iklhas
Cubalah jaga kelas pendidikan khas
Kelas buruk tidak ada decorations
Dinding suram macam penjara
Sampah bertaburan
Budak-budak tak belajar apa-apa
Apa pelajar kisah
Tapi ...
Ikhlasnya kita kalau handle
Pelajar pendidikan khas
Kalau prasaranya cantik,
Ada hiasannya
Ada keindahan dan kebersihannya terjaga
Pelajar sudah ada perubahan sikap
Walau pelajar sendiri tak tahu perubahannya
Walau mereka tak mengerti
Apa itu keindahan kelas
Tapi pada guru
Tetap ada keikhlasannya dan manfaatnya

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