

Hello and Good Day Everybody !
I am a new teacher in the school named Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Bendahara. This school is situated in Jasin, Melaka.
I am accepted to be one of the Guru Sandaran Terlatih (GST) here. There are 10 of us, my batch joined the schools in 27th June 2011.
In this blog, I share with you my experience and great things that are happening to me in the school.
There are also notes and things for good English class usages, so feel free to browse them whenever there are gaps between classes.
My mentor here is Hajjah Zaorah and she has been guiding me to be a better English teacher.
Thank you !
In this blog, I have uploaded
Literature lesson plans for form 4 and 5
working papers, reports after programmes, yearly uniform body reports, weekly reports, sponsorship letters, sample of memos and thank you notes, short stories and others.

Happy teaching, teachers !
Here is a good link to English Materials:

Pengikutku, Sila jadi pengikut untuk blogs saya !

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pengajaran untuk Guru Baharu(6)

  1. Jangan pergi ke bangunan kosong bersendirian, sebaiknya bawalah teman.
  2. Jangan biarkan sekumpulan pelajar di sekolah sendirian, kena ada guru mengawasi.
  3. Semakin ramai pelajar, semakin banyak risiko.
  4. Guru yang belum sah, buat salah, ada risiko diberhentikan, guru yang sudah sah, buat salah , akan ditukarkan.
  5. Kalau lihat kelas lain sudah lepaskan pelajar pulang  2 minit lebih awal, jangan contohi mereka, kerana dua minit terakhir masih lagi dalam jagaan kita. Kalau ada masalah, kita tanggung risiko.

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